Trail and Sail Covid - 19 Policy
The safety of our campers, teens, and adults is our top priority and we take this responsibility very seriously. Our safety protocols and policies follow local county rules and incorporate the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Policies and procedures are subject to change prior to the start of camp as guidance evolves to fit the current situation. Registered families will receive updated communications prior to the start of camp. Updates and changes will also be detailed below.
Masks and Face Coverings:
Upon arrival, all children, teens, and adult volunteers will be asked if you are "Girl Scout Ready". If any individual answers YES to any of the symptoms, they may not enter the site or attend camp.
In the last 24 hours have you experienced ANY of the following:
Cleaning and Sanitation:
Procedures to Minimize Spread:
Policies and procedures are subject to change prior to the start of camp as guidance evolves to fit the current situation. Registered families will receive updated communications prior to the start of camp. Updates and changes will also be detailed below.
Masks and Face Coverings:
- At camp cloth or disposable masks/face coverings are optional.
- Campers, teens, and adults are expected to wear a mask when indoors, or in close area activities except when eating and drinking during planned breaks.
Upon arrival, all children, teens, and adult volunteers will be asked if you are "Girl Scout Ready". If any individual answers YES to any of the symptoms, they may not enter the site or attend camp.
- ***For everyone's health and safety, we cannot make exceptions, and we thank you in advance for not asking our volunteers to do so if your child is not permitted to enter the camp site.
In the last 24 hours have you experienced ANY of the following:
- Fever? Yes/No
- Cough? Yes/No
- Shortness of breath? Yes/No
- Fatigue? Yes/No
- Muscle Aches? Yes/No
- Any other flu-like symptoms, such as gastrointestinal upset or headaches? Yes/No
- New loss of taste or smell? Yes/No
- A temperature over 100°F? Yes/No
- Have you had contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients in the last 14 days? Yes/No
- Have you traveled outside of Washington State in the last two weeks? Yes/No
Cleaning and Sanitation:
- Campers, teens, and adults will be prompted to wash their hands before joining their group. Handwashing will take place periodically throughout the day. Hand sanitizer will be available, and regular use will be encouraged. In addition, camp staff will intentionally teach and encourage good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
- Sharing of camper items will be discouraged. Any shared tools or surfaces will be sanitized by camp staff.
- We will stagger restroom and hand washing time, rotating between program areas to minimize groups being in the same space at the same time.
- Campers, teens, or adults that are showing multiple COVID symptoms will be put in a designated safe space away from others.
- Parents will be called and they must pick up their camper or teen with in 25 minutes.
- A negative COVID test will be needed for the camper, teen, or adult to return to camp.
Procedures to Minimize Spread:
- We/GSWW recommends that families do not carpool with anyone outside of your family unit. If you are unable to do so, wearing a mask in the car by everyone is encouraged.
- If the T&S Core Team identifies a child, teen, or adult who tested positive for COVID-19 we will take the following steps:
- We will notify the parents of those campers affected.
- The camp director will inform those who have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 to stay home and self-monitor for symptoms and to follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop. If a person does not have symptoms, CDC guidance for home isolation should be followed.
- Campers, teens and adult volunteers in the same camp group who are in close contact with the affected camper will be asked to stay home 10 days after the last known contact of those affected. We will work with the local health officials to determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow the further spread of COVID-19.
- In the event of a COVID-19 positive test result, our Covid Director will promptly call parents to pick up their child.
- Letting other volunteers know that the camp Covid Director will notify parents and others about a positive test result and that the individual’s identity is confidential. Girl Scout and volunteer health information is private and strictly confidential and should only be shared on a need-to-know basis with a council staff member.
Girl Scouts of Western Washington Covid-19 Policy & Acknowledgment:
COVID-19 Participation Acknowledgement:
Girl Scouts of Western Washington (GSWW) is committed to taking precautions to mitigate risk as well as to follow applicable federal, WA State, local and GSUSA COVID-19 directives and guidelines. Our council is also committed to having in-person activities as allowed and in accordance with those mandates. GSWW’s operations and programs occurring while COVID-19 is circulating in our community may expose our members, volunteers, and employees to the risk of infection. GSWW cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting or spreading COVID-19 while attending (which includes being present in any capacity) any GSWW in-person programming. Therefore, any interaction with others in connection with in-person programming may expose you and your family to, and increase your risk of contracting or spreading, COVID-19.
On behalf of myself and the minors I am registering, I agree to the following:
By Participating in GSWW's in person activities, participants acknowledge that COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus, easily spread including through in-person contact. By choosing to participate in person, participants are choosing to accept risk of contracting COVID-19. GSWW cannot guarantee that infection will not occur.
For more information on Girl Scouts of Western Washington Covid-19 policies please see our Member Safety Guidelines on our website.
If you have further questions related to our Trail and Sail COVID protocols or procedures at camp please email: [email protected]
Girl Scouts of Western Washington (GSWW) is committed to taking precautions to mitigate risk as well as to follow applicable federal, WA State, local and GSUSA COVID-19 directives and guidelines. Our council is also committed to having in-person activities as allowed and in accordance with those mandates. GSWW’s operations and programs occurring while COVID-19 is circulating in our community may expose our members, volunteers, and employees to the risk of infection. GSWW cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting or spreading COVID-19 while attending (which includes being present in any capacity) any GSWW in-person programming. Therefore, any interaction with others in connection with in-person programming may expose you and your family to, and increase your risk of contracting or spreading, COVID-19.
On behalf of myself and the minors I am registering, I agree to the following:
By Participating in GSWW's in person activities, participants acknowledge that COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus, easily spread including through in-person contact. By choosing to participate in person, participants are choosing to accept risk of contracting COVID-19. GSWW cannot guarantee that infection will not occur.
For more information on Girl Scouts of Western Washington Covid-19 policies please see our Member Safety Guidelines on our website.
If you have further questions related to our Trail and Sail COVID protocols or procedures at camp please email: [email protected]